21 Ways Nature Can Help You Heal
The tips shared here can help you develop a stronger connection with nature to boost your health and well-being. In general, the more often you get in nature, the happier and healthier you are likely to be.
5 Common North American Yard Weeds: Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Natural Healing
In recent years, the popularity of homeopathic remedies has surged as people seek natural alternatives to traditional medicine.
A Call For God’s People To Be Watchmen
God is calling this nation back to true faith and to strengthen the things which remain. In this powerful excerpt from Part 7 of his Revelation Series, Dr. Mikel Cary discusses the letter to the church at Sardis. This letter is for each of us.
A Far Off Country and Our Best Path Forward
An exploration into the deep longings of our heart and how we can direct them in constructive ways.
Abramovic, Podesta, Clinton And Easily Explainable Conspiracies
With the release of the Clinton emails by Wikileaks, renewed interest in spirit cooking and the 2016 presidential campaign raises new questions to some old “put to bed” conspiracy theories.
AIDS Origin (The Strecker Memorandum)
In 1983, Dr. Strecker and his brother, Ted, needed to know the long-term financial effects of insuring the treatment of AIDS patients. As this information was not readily available in 1983, both brothers began researching medical literature to learn what they could about this relatively new disease. What they uncovered was so startling and hard to believe that it dramatically altered both their lives.