Will You Risk It All?
Will You Risk It All?

Most believers don’t understand what it means to want the presences and the glory of God so much that they are willing to give up anything to get it. What about you? Will you risk it all for Jesus?

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A Call For God's People To Be Watchmen
A Call For God’s People To Be Watchmen

God is calling this nation back to true faith and to strengthen the things which remain. In this powerful excerpt from Part 7 of his Revelation Series, Dr. Mikel Cary discusses the letter to the church at Sardis. This letter is for each of us.

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The Ultimate Prepper Advice
The Ultimate Prepper Advice

Prudence suggests that we be prepared to weather hardships financially, regarding food and water, and home security. But are you spiritually prepped for what lies ahead?

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Origins Of Gnosticism

It’s important to understand the origins of Gnosticism, not only to properly grasp the false teachings Scripture warns against, but also to draw a clear distinction between the Essenes of Qumran and those of Egypt when considering the information revealed to us through the Dead Sea Scrolls and how these revelations can inform our faith.

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Astrology In Scripture

Some believe that the Bible supports modern astrology and that even the Magi who found Jesus and brought him gifts practiced it in the same sense we think of today. But is that the case? For answers we look to Scripture, the early church fathers of the first and second centuries, the ancient books of Jasher, Josephus and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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Jay Dyer

  • Jay Dyer is an author, comedian and TV presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. His graduate work focused on psychological warfare and film and he is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2 and the co-creator and co-host of the television show Hollywood Decoded. He has been featured on numerous popular shows and podcasts and in debates with some of the world’s top debaters.

    He can be found at https://jaysanalysis.com/